Upcoming Presentations

Bugs, Bots & Algorithmic Bias: Examining the Promise & Peril of AI in Education
January 24, 2025​
University of California, Berkeley
CS21LA Leadership Insitute
Since the high-profile release of ChatGPT in 2022, the desire to leverage the power of AI to transform teaching and learning has hit a fever pitch. Believed by many as the “silver bullet”
that will bring an end to educational inequality, AI technologies continue to proliferate within college classrooms and across campuses, promising to bolster academic achievement, spark
student engagement and ensure campus safety all while lessening the workload of overworked and systemically underpaid faculty and staff. However, as research is beginning to show that
many of the AI technologies being used in and designed for postsecondary institutions are rife with algorithmic biases that threaten to exacerbate - rather than remediate - educational inequity for historically marginalized students.
In this keynote lecture, I will discuss the challenges, critiques, and calls to action that currently permeate the field of education concerning AI, and highlight how an explicit focus on justice and
educational equity within the design, procurement, use and teaching of AI technologies can produce transformative changes for teaching and learning. I simultaneously center the technological innovations of Black youth that complete a 5 week critical AI summer program, and in doing so showcase how we can collectively reimagine, rebuild and even refuse anti-Black AI systems within education.
2025 Keynote Schedule
2025 Keynote Schedule
Drexel University
January 23, 2025​
21CSLA Education Leader Summit & UC Berkeley
January 24, 2025
Black Study Lab @ Penn State University
February 27, 2025 ​
Westfield State University
- April 8-11, 2025
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
March 29, 2025​​​

Past Presentations
Invited Panelist
April 4-5, 2024
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
The goal of this meeting, hosted by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and the National Institute on Mental Health (NIMH), is to discuss the current state of, and future directions for, research on the positive and negative impacts of technology and digital media (TDM) on the development and mental health outcomes of infants, children, and adolescents. The invited workshop panelists represent an array of scientific disciplines and research topics. The workshop will address TDM effects at different ages (early development, childhood, and adolescence), and outcomes (cognitive, physical and mental health), as well as the need for diversity and inclusion in TDM studies. The meeting will be open to the scientific community and the public at large.

2024 Conferences and Invited Talks
Black Voices at Code for America
Code for America | June 20, 2024
Impact of Technology and Digital Media on Child Adolescent Development and Mental Health
National Institute of Health (NIH) | April 4-5, 2024
Freedom Dreaming in the Digital: How Black Youth Design Technologies For Hope, Healing & Futurity
George Mason University | March 21, 2024
AlphaPersuade: A Summit on Ethical AI
o UC Irvine, CA​ | Feb 29, 2024
​Third Annual Bell Hooks Symposium: Black Feminist Worldmaking
Northeastern University, Boston, MA​ | Feb 2, 2024
Youth Digital Wellness in the Age of GenAI
Connected Wellbeing Capstone Event, UC Irvine, CA | Feb 7-8, 2024
Black History Nerds Saturday School
University at Buffalo, NY | Jan 13, 2024
2023 Conferences and Invited Talks
Race, Racism and Digital Technology: Understanding the Effects of Algorithmic Anti-Blackness on Black Students​
Harvard University | School of Education
Employing Critical Race, Abolitionist Pedagogies In CS: Designing Race-Conscious and Justice-Oriented Tech with Black Youth ​
Presidential Session | AERA 2023 Conference, Chicago, IL
Toward a Critical Race Technology Theory in Education: Interrogating Sociotechnical Racism in Educational Research, Pedagogy, and Practice
Roundtable Session | AERA 2023
Freedom Dreaming in the Digital: Designing Fugitive Worlds and Abolitionist Technologies with Black Youth
Center for Critical Internet Inquiry | UCLA
Race, Activism & Digital Trauma: Examining the Power and Peril of Social Media Activism for Black Girls"
Children & Screens
Race, Education, and #BlackLivesMatter: How Digital Activism and Algorithmic Oppression Impact Black Girls in College
Paper Presentation | AERA 2023 Conference, Chicago, IL
DeBugging Black Death in the Digital: How Black Youth Survive, Resist and Redesign Anti-Black Technologies Towards Collective Change
Informatics Spring Seminar Series | UC Irvine​
Fostering Critical Race Computational Thinking in CS: Preparing Youth to "Talk Back" and "Bring Wreck" to Algorithmic Anti-Blackness in Schools and Technology
Alliance for Identity-Inclusive Computing | Duke University, Durham, NC​
Designing Abolitionist STEM+CS Programs for Black Youth
​MIT Media Lab | Cambridge, MA​
Race, Activism & Digital Wellness: How Social Media Shapes the Lives and Schooling Experiences of Black Youth"
New York Public Library Center for Educators and Schools

2022 Conferences and Invited Talks
​Tech , Trauma & Transformational Resistance: How Black Girls Use CS Technologies to Cope with Black Death, Dying and Spirit Murder
AERA Conference 2022​
International Conference on Urban Education (ICUE)
Connected Learning Summit | UC Irvine + MIT
Using CRT to Study Race, Resistance and Technology in Education
Critical Race Studies in Education Conference 2022​
​Conducting Critical Race Algorithmic Content Analyses in Education Research
Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Conference
The Marathon Continues..In Computer Science: How Black Girls Encode Narratives of Hope, Healing and Futurity into CS Technologies
International Conference on Urban Education (ICUE) ​
​Keys to the City: Nipsy Hussle, Marathon Education, and the Celebration of South Central"
Symposium | AERA Conference 2022
2021 Conferences and Invited Talks
"Toward a Critical Race RPP: How Race, Power, and Positionality Inform Practice Partnerships"
ASHE Conference, San Juan Puerto Rico
"Death, Discipline and Digital Resistance: How Black Youth Leverage Technology to Survive and Resist Anti-Black Racism"
CU Boulder Leeds School of Business Alumni Career Webinar Series​
"A Black Town Hall: Mental Health and Resiliency"
Center for Communication and Media Studies, CU Boulder
Co-Designing for Black Lives: How Black Youth Leverage Computer Science to Design and Deploy Race-Based Mental Health Spaces Online"
Youth Connections for Wellbeing Showcase
"Navigating Professionalism and Anti-Blackness in the Academy"
CU Boulder College for Media, Communication and Information
"Death, Discipline and Digital Resistance: How Black Youth Leverage Technology to Survive and Resist Anti-Black Racism"
UC San Diego Department of Computer Science
Connected Learning Alliance Speaker Series, UC Irvine

2017-2020 Conferences and Invited Talks
Harvard University | Alumni of Color Conference
"Burbank Reads: 'The Hate You Give' with Dr. Safiya Noble & Dr. Tiera Tanksley"
Burbank Public Library, Burbank, CA
"Minoritized Students' Engagement, Identity, and Agency in Computer Science: Listening to the Students Themselves"
SIGCSE Conference, 2020, Minnesota, Missouri
"They Steady Tryin, But They Can't Break Us: Critical Perspectives in Prison, Prostitution and Poverty in the Lives of Black Women"
Black Feminism Conference, Spelman College, Atlanta, GA
"How Black Girl Activists Survive and Resist Racism Online"
Yale University, New Haven, CT
"Death, Dying & the Necro-Digital Internet: Critical Examinations of #YouthActivism and Racial Trauma Online"
UC Irvine Connected Learning Alliance Speaker Series​
"Multiraciality in Higher Education"
Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference, USC, CA
"Black Women and Digital Diasporas: A Post-Colonial, Global Black Feminist Perspective"
Black Feminism, Womanism and the Politics of Women of Colour in Europe Conference, October 2017, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Bookings & Media Inquiry
For more information on how to book a keynote, guest lecture, full or half day PD session, or media interview, please send a request to tctanksl@g.ucla.edu with your proposed dates, session format and duration, and target audience, and I will provide a estimated budget.